Weekly Tweets 2012-01-15

Listened to Radio Riel: Una Música Brutal Last Night, It Soothed The Savage Builder

Dhughan here, recommending Music For Builders. Whilst messing about with floating lanterns that fell 500 metres and buried themselves in abandoned mines in Steelhead St Helens, I listened to an excellent programme, hosted live by Carter Denja. Radio Riel is essential to maintaining one’s cool while excavating down to the Second Life water table to find physical objects set to float… wait for it! on the surface.

My other floating lantern, which Miss Bug made in a class project, floats so enthusiastically that it would go into space if not constrained by a ceiling.

Clearly, more study (my take, break, remake method) is required.

Soothing music will be required in vast quantities. Thank goodness for Radio Riel.O

Tango Night is back! Tonight’s Monday Night World Music explores the heart-racing thrill of this Argentine music form. From masters of the orchestral form like Astor Piazzola, to legendary vocalists like Carlos Gardel and Julio Sosa, to the modern electrotango pioneers like Carlos Libedinsky and the Gotan Project – get ready to dance the night away in sultry style.

This was an excellent show, wonderful music, and hope to tune in again. I usually stay on the Riel Reverie stream, but the Main channel has interesting programs with actual hosts.

Link: Radio Riel: Una Música Brutal – Tango Night, 6-8:30PM SLT

Dhughan Froobert is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who putters around with prims and takes pictures of same. He occasionally manifests as a small Victorian otter.

Dhughan Suddenly Reappears Out Of Nowhere And Makes Stuff #SL #ItsAnAltThing

Yes, yes, Dhughan here, very slack of me to disappear like that. I happened to be very busy avoiding as much work as possible during the holidays. Back again in good old Steelhead Shanghai, and there certainly are interesting things happpening this week.

—- Chinese New Year 2012: Year of the Dragon – Breathing Fire into the New Year

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calendar. The Chinese year 4710 begins on Jan. 23, 2012.

Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar, with each month beginning on the darkest day. New Year festivities traditionally start on the first day of the month and continue until the fifteenth, when the moon is brightest. In China, people may take weeks of holiday from work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year.

Legend has it that in ancient times, Buddha asked all the animals to meet him on Chinese New Year. Twelve came, and Buddha named a year after each one. He announced that the people born in each animal’s year would have some of that animal’s personality. Those born in dragon years are innovative, brave, and passionate.

That sounds very flattering to those of dragonkind, but unfortunately I’m a bit of an ox. However, there’s a great deal of energy and effort being put forth in Steelhead generally these days (goodness, one look at the Social Calendar in the town Ning-thingy and you wonder when the locals eat, sleep, or Get Things Done).

—- Friday, January 13th: Lantern Festival in Steelhead Shanghai Bay

The lantern festival is held on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Some of the lanterns may be works of art, painted with birds, animals, flowers, zodiac signs, and scenes from legend and history. People hang glowing lanterns in temples, and carry lanterns to an evening parade under the light of the full moon.

Lantern Building Festival: Anyone interested may participate. Make a lantern, either floating or hovering or to be hung on a string. 4 prim max and send to TotalSolarEclipse Resident. We’ll rezz out the lanterns in the bay and dance among the lights.

I have actually been motivated to Make Something, or Two or Three Somethings, by myself tonight. Er, well, I adapted a freebie rotating lantern, but the texture for the shade is the fearsome dragon seen above. I was also motivated to fool around with something I tried long ago called “SL-Prim-Emboss“, a very primitive sculpt-relief maker. Some forum folks worked out how to use it several years ago, and it still works. I did not bother with following their suggestions as to making it a fully rendered prim; for the moment it was enough to make a double-sided panel, in low relief, with a nice teak frame and linen backing.

Side by side comparison of a sculpted panel in Second Life, lit and unlit

Here is a side-by-side comparison of it, lit and unlit. The lantern at the lower left is based on a freebie one by Babu Oh. I spent an enjoyable few hours taking it apart to see how it worked, breaking it, and then fixing it. This is how I learn things: take them apart, break them, and put them back in working order before someone discovers it.

Here now followeth a short discourse on The Disorganizer’s Guide To Organization:

I fussed about trying to fix the way my aetheric device displays images from the excellently free GIMP program; I ended up installing some infernal foreign code called Sagethumbs. Some users at the forum complained that layer files sometimes did not display correctly if transparent layers appeared above “visible” layers, but I hit on a rather clever solution. I mostly use layer files to create marketing flyers for my virtual shop on the Marketplace, so I will add my final “flyer” .PNG image to the top of the layer stack, to act as a lead image.

Here endeth the discourse

Right, well… in the course of all that blather, I reorganized my virtual shop (had forgotten about those blasted “Magic Boxes” needing to be rezzed out).

And now I’m feeling tolerably satisfied about having got things done.

What else is happening in Steelhead this month?

—- Friday, January 20th: Squirrel Appreciation Day

Squirrel Appreciation Day is an opportunity to enjoy and appreciate your tree climbing, nut gathering neighborhood squirrels. It’s held in mid-winter when food sources are scarce for squirrels and other wildlife. Sure, squirrels spent all fall gathering and “squirreling ” away food. But, their supplies may not be enough. And, the variety of food is limited. So, give them an extra special treat today to supplement their winter diets.

I quite like squirrels, the little beggars chatter amusingly. I once encountered an old chap feeding them in a London park; he seemed pretty fond of them but they’re not everybody’s favorite.

Some say they are an acquired taste, but I don’t frequent those sorts of restaurants.

—- Friday January 27th: Lunar New Year: Year of the Dragon
Celebrated in Steelhead Shanghai, hosted by Krystine Quinan

Excellent, more Year of the Dragon celebrations. As it happens I have a number of dragon images so I hope to make some more interesting items. Or, perhaps I shall hibernate. It could go either way.

Chinese New Year in #Steelhead: Be There Or Be Eaten By Gojira


Ooh! Fun events to entertain and distract the discerning Steampunk resident:


R.S.V.P. to Mr TotalLunar Eclipse; be there or he’ll eat you and stomp on your house, in that order.

That may seem unnecessarily harsh, to destroy your home after you’re dead, but dragons are notoriously hot-tempered and really hold a grudge.

Better mark your cslendars, I’m just sayin’.

Also, too: SQUIRRELL!!1!
Link: Eclipse: Chinese New Years in Steelhead 2012

Weekly Tweets 2012-01-08

#SL Blender dropping COLLADA support – DON’T PANIC, Keep Calm And Carry On

As forum poster Chosen Few helpfully noted:

After the initial posting, cooler heads prevailed, including Gaia Clary, who’s the Blender/JASS/Primstar maven at Machinimatrix. And then Domino Marama weighed in – the creator of the scripts that so many Second Life creators have relied on (both free and paid versions).

Re: Blender dropping COLLADA Reply to Chosen Few – Chosen Few wrote: Nothing’s been decided yet, so nobody panic yet. If worse comes to worst, and the Blender devs do cease official support for COLLADA, I’m sure enterprising SL residents will just create their own COLLADA exporter for Blender, and release it to the public, just like they did for the excellent sculpty tools that so many Blender users now enjoy.

Are you looking over my shoulder? Oddly just before this issue came up, I’d just started digging into the Blender code to fix some Collada bugs. I do tend to agree that the current implemention in Blender is awkward and in the long term best replaced. So instead of fixing bugs, I’ve started on a Python implementation of a Collada exporter. And getting it working for SL is the first priority – it’ll be free to all Primstar 2 and Avastar owners – I hope to have it ready before Collada support is dropped from Blender :smileyhappy: – Dominic Marama

via Blender dropping COLLADA support – Second Life

As I very rashly bought, downloaded, and managed to install Blender 2.61 with the JASS/Primstar-2 add-on, I guess I now have a duty and responsibility to wrap my head around it and actually make sculpts with it. Trouble is, no matter how many times I take classes, watch videos, and make notes, I remain deeply confused about it. However, last night I did make some progress with the help of some of Gaia’s new help videos, and some things that had plumb eluded me started to sort out a little in the basket of cute, fluffy kittens tangled adorably in sparkly yarn that is my brain.

I also took a pretty helpful class Tuesday night at Builder’s Brewery, which I had hoped to repeat Thursday, but it was cancelled… I’ll keep an eye on the class schedules and keep reading the many class materials I’ve gathered but left unread in my inventory.

I’ll just… follow some of the other helpful suggestions out there.

Keep Calm and Carry On from Wikimedia

#SL Fundraising: Picture Taken Down After NWN Post Gives Wrong Impression

For the second time this week a picture used to illustrate a Second Life news blog caused a false impression and seemed to link a respected event or charity with scandal. Yes, it’s another NWN post by Hamlet Au causing the confusion. No linky-love for him, Google amongst yourselves. The first time was bad enough.

Fortunately, Au took the image down late last night or early this morning. Unfortunately his blog is widely read and the damage has already been done, not easily to be repaired by an update buried in the comments.

This time, an event picture from the widely respected Relay For Life cancer fundraising charity was used to illustrate a story about the current “fake charity receipt” scandal, which broke on SlUniverse and Twitter the other day. Au was very careful to mention fact-checking, sources, and not to mention the charity by name…which everyone already knows. So all that care, associated with the RFl picture, seemed to imply the scandal might go farther.

At a Steelhead group event last night, our award-winning fundraising coordinator for RFL was not pleased. He noted that the image topping Au’s post seemed to imply that Relay for Life was the charity in question (Au did call RFL the “gold standard” of inworld charities). However, our coordinator also mentioned the earlier post, that referenced the wrong image/event/sim, and snarked that it was probably just another NWN mare’s nest.

“I’m very, very happy that this scandal was NOT about RFL.”

It absolutely was not. RFL, as I said, is the gold standard, which is why I included a screenshot of their site, as the role model. However, because I don’t want anyone mistaking even for a second my intention, I removed the image.

Posted by: Hamlet Au | Saturday, January 07, 2012 at 01:36 AM

Unfortunately the image already gave the wrong impression last night, even if only momentarily. A prominent, award-winning RFL fundraiser mentioned it in group chat, with the caveat that you probably did not mean to associate the charity with the scandal, which was already well known.

A picture is worth a thousand words; the exchange rate in $L is subject to change.

Posted by: Lelani Carver | Saturday, January 07, 2012 at 04:19 AM

via (no linky love) New World Notes: SL Fundraising Scandal Strongly Suggests Need to Work Directly With Real World Non-Profit Organizations

Yeah, I piled on. It was irritating to see yet another fuss made over at NWN whose end result is more eyeballs on ads, and oops, my 3 or 4 non-spambot readers may add to that.

On the other hand, thanks to Crap Mariner’s blog roll posts, I’m now following a much more interesting blog, Zak Claxton’s. He posted photographic proof that a charity gig he played at helped to feed a passel of very cute Kenyan kids. Doesn’t look ‘shopped… 😉

All this musing on Second Life charities (which is most worthy? Which is most transparent?) has me thinking. We’re (that’s the household we, not the royaly we) waiting for the shoe to drop with a RL family member; in fact we’re going to a family confab tomorrow at which… Something will be announced??? We’re not sure, but the auguries are not good.

I’ve decided to throw a lot more effort into Steelhead’s RFL fundraising campaign/slog/marathon this season. And if Mistletoe holds any Love148 events, I’m in for those, too.

Lelani Carver is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who blogs a little about everything, and about nothing of any importance. She sells odds and ends inspired by her real and virtual lives at her store in Steelhead St Helens or on the Second Life Marketplace.

Qarl’s 3D Printed Snowglobe Of His House On BoingBoing.net #SecondLife

Yes, that was “our” Qarl in that BoingBoing post earlier today. Gee, he’s not busy enough deforming mesh for fashion-forward avatars, he has to create a tiny model of his house as a snowglobe holiday gift for his wife.

If you feel like sending him money to make you one, by all means… but some of you may be able to figure out his process based on his blog post.

Posts about the mesh deformer were all over my feed, so when I saw the BoingBoing.net post about “A clever fellow named Qarl,” I knew it had to be him before I clicked the link. Sure enough, links to his Second Life projects are at the bottom of the page.

Ironically, I bailed on a “Make a Prim Snowglobe” class last night inworld because I missed the first 8 minutes and couldn’t get started with the right dimensions for the base prim. I’ll try again later… future cloudy, though.

Qarl's House As A 3D Printed Snowglobe Model

this year for christmas i gave my wife a special present: a snowglobe with a tiny copy of our home inside. she loves it. i love it. everyone loves it. so here’s how you can make one for yourself:1 order a custom snowglobe kit. ebay has a bunch to choose from. try to find one that tells you its exact dimensions so you can size your model before the globe arrives in the mail.

via qLab» Blog Archive » the weather outside is frightful

#SecondLife Newser: Year End Post Is a Handy Resource

Not only that, but it’s timely, factual, and actually reported by a fox, and not the sort of Faux News we usually get from NWN (tip o’ the clockwork hat to Mr. Crap Mariner).

Another year is gone to the history books, and before saying goodbye, time for a look back. From Redzone to Mesh to a promising new CEO, Second Life has seen it’s share of problems, developments, to influential people, whom left impacts both big and small, temporary and lasting, some well talked about while others slipped under the radar of the majority.

Link: Second Life Newser

Lelani Carver is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who blogs a little about everything, and about nothing of any importance. She sells odds and ends inspired by her real and virtual lives at her store in Steelhead St Helens or on the Second Life Marketplace.