It’s ridiculous of me to be so chuffed about the birth of “yet another rather ordinary kitten,” but this one has some traits that I find endearing:
IM: KittyCatS Box – New Born Kitten:
New Born KittenFur: American Shorthair – Red Tabby
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: GenesisVersion: 1.07
Owner: Dhughan Froobert〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓
MOM: Minnie
Happy Birthday – SL8B
Fur: Genesis – Smokey
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: GenesisDAD: Dash
Happy Birthday – SL8B
Fur: Genesis – Domino
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
[10:22 AM] IM: KittyCatS Box – New Born Kitten: Type a Name for your Nest…
[10:22 AM] Dhughan Froobert: Studebaker
[10:22 AM] IM: KittyCatS Box – Studebaker: I’m now called Studebaker!
Yes, yes, in the world of KittyCatS breeders, not really a “keeper,” except as a pet – but I happen to be extremely fond of red tabbies and in fact a RL kitty in my typists household was one such. He lived to be a great age – 18 or 19 years – and so whatever gender this kitten turns out to be, it shall carry on the name of Studebaker proudly.
The plan that Miss Lelani currently has is to offer kittens up for adoption in the old shop in Steelhead St Helens, and also to sell items such as pet beds and nice china dishes, into which the food bowls sold by the KittyCatS store would slip.
Miss Lelani was quite inspired yesterday and made 6 or 7 simple, two-prim pet beds after finally breaking down and buying some sculpt maps that had inspired her when she first saw them several months ago. She has tried to make sense of Blender on her own and has been making progress, but realized that she was being held hostage by her own frustration with the program.
In the meantime, I shall also be offering some nice gentlemen’s pet furnishings, which will go with some of the club chairs and settees that I shall be making shortly.
We now have a total of 4 kittens, as we had purchased 2 of the Relay for Life packs (not being able to commit to walking the track with the Steelhead Salmons team, we also donated funds through the municipal kiosks). The KittyCatS people are quite savvy about their newest kitten packs, which will be out for sale tomorrow. However, we shall muddle along with Dash and Minnie, and the new kitties yet to be named, and see if there is any interest in Steelhead in pet-quality adoptions in the meantime.
But not for Studebaker, at least; we shall build up some breeding stock to at least have some interesting traits – an orange tabby will make an admirable shop cat, however!
In the meantime, here is a peek at one of the pet beds that shall shortly be available for purchase:
There are a few minor caveats. It fits most pets, so only very, very small dragons and recently born foals. It should fit most dogs and cats unless you’re breeding at a monstrous scale. It could work as a tiny bed with the right animations added. Currently there are no animations, but it can be set as the home point for pets.
We shall enjoy offering this to the rusticated pet-owning community in Steelhead and beyond. I may even take a whack at putting together a smart-looking Chinese or Asian version.

Dhughan Froobert is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who putters around with prims and takes pictures of same. He occasionally manifests as a small Victorian otter.