I was going to delete Imprudence (and go with Firestorm as my sole alternative to the main Viewer), but decided to install whatever is the latest version instead. I’d forgotten the incredible trove of free Second Life textures, objects, and sculptmaps require Imprudence to upload and import.
Drop by her website and donate via Paypal, she certainly deserves it! She gives these resources away for free, with full permissions.
These are all my orginial creations. You can download these and use them in any opensim grid or in Second Life. All files are exported using the Imprudence Viewer and you will need to use the Imprudence Viewer to import them as well. All files are zipped. So after downloading you will need to unzip them before trying to import them.
Link: LindaKellie.com

Lelani Carver is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who blogs a little about everything, and about nothing of any importance. She sells odds and ends inspired by her real and virtual lives at her store in Steelhead St Helens or on the Second Life Marketplace.